Drinkable water is the primal necessity and understanding its whereabouts, quality, and source is paramount for one’s survival. Whether you are moving to Dubai with your family or planning a vacation to the city with your loved ones, it is natural to have concerns about the drinkable water situation. And if you are used to drinking tap water at your home, you need to inquire about the condition of tap water in Dubai.
This is why, we are coming to your aid. In this holistic space, we are going to answer all your queries about tap water in Dubai. From whether it is drinkable to how tap water is supplied in Dubai, from where the tap water comes to the kind of minerals used in it, we uncover everything that you need to know about how drinkable tap water is in Dubai.
Additionally, we are also going to look into the safe drinking options in the city and provide you with a comparison of bottled water and tap water. As with any urban area in any part of the world, knowing the quality of tap water in Dubai is non-negotiable, and we are going to help you with that.
To understand how drinkable the tap water in Dubai is, you first need to understand how it is supplied. The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) is tasked with overseeing the water supply system of the city. The water supply in Dubai is one of the most meticulously monitored processes in the Middle East region.
DEWA also ensures that the tap water is treated and tested before being delivered to homes, businesses, and public spaces. By adhering to strict guidelines of trusted global health organizations and performing regular checks, DEWA maintains the quality of tap water in Dubai.
Dubai is a coastal city, which means that the primary source of tap water comes from the sea. The seawater goes through a sophisticated process of desalination that helps in making sure that the city’s population has access to a sustainable and reliable water supply. A limited portion of the tap water also comes from groundwater through deep wells.
Dubai has limited resources of freshwater and has an arid climate for almost the entire year. As such, desalination of seawater plays a pivotal role in providing potable water to the residents. The desalination of seawater involves the removal of salts and various impurities so that it becomes safe for consumption and daily usage.
Imagine pouring a glass of tap water straight from a tap in Dubai. If you have concerns about its quality, know that you are not alone. Assessing the quality of the water you are about to drink is responsible behavior.
As per DEWA, tap water in Dubai is safe to drink. Since tap water goes through a rigorous set of tests, it is certified for human consumption. It should be noted that DEWA follows strict global standards set by reputed health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and other allied regulatory bodies to make sure the tap water meets safety guidelines.
At the same time, a major aspect to consider in this regard is the internal plumbing system of your home, business, or the public space you are in. Even if the water supplied by DEWA is safe, you need to understand that poor plumbing systems and irregularly maintained water storage tanks can jeopardize the quality of the tap water.
As such, it is extremely important to ensure that pipes and water storage tanks are regularly cleaned. It is recommended to install a water filtration system for added peace of mind because you can’t always control the maintenance of the plumbing system and water storage tanks in your building. But, remember that as long as the tap water you are consuming is coming directly from DEWA, it is safe for consumption.
Essentially, first of all, you need to make sure that the water tanks and plumbing systems are well maintained. Secondly, you need to get them flushed and cleaned regularly by an Emirates International Accreditation Centre approved company. Thirdly, get water samples from your tap water and have them tested regularly by an Emirates International Accreditation Centre approved laboratory.
Tap water in Dubai comes from two sources – sea and ground. Since the climate of the city is usually arid, it can’t completely rely on groundwater to fulfill the water needs of the population. Although cloud seeding may resolve this issue in the future, it can’t be a reliable source for present times. As such, the primary sources of tap water remain seawater, which goes through a world-class desalination process.
The seawater is pumped from the Arabian Gulf into the DUBAL (Dubai Aluminium) factory to cool down the Aluminium smelters. After that, it is then brought to the nearby DEWA plants for both desalination and power generation. Once desalinised, the water flows into the pipes for consumption.
As for contamination, there are minimal to no risks since the grounds in the city are highly improbable, which eliminates any chances of contamination. Poorly maintained water tanks and leeching pipes can be the only cause of contamination.
The tap water in Dubai goes through stringent quality tests to make sure it is safe to drink. As regular tests are done, it is ensured that the water is free from harmful bacteria such as E. coli and other pathogens. Additionally, the pH level of tap water is maintained to ensure it is between 6.5 to 8.5, which is optimal for safe drinking water.
DEWA also tests that the tap water is free of harmful heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury, and lead. It makes sure that these elements are either absent or within permissible limits in the tap water it supplies to the people. Therefore, all the tap water that DEWA supplies to domestic as well as commercial developments in the city is safe for consumption.
However, you can’t completely rely on the plumbing system and water storage tanks of your buildings. This is why it is recommended to install a water filtration system at your home. This will ensure that the water you are consuming from your tap is free from all the harmful substances and impurities. It is the added advisable safety precaution that you should go by.
Various water treatment companies in the city offer filtration services and you can consult one of them to get a water filtration system installed at your home. This will provide you with the peace of mind and you can consume the tap water at your home responsibly.
During the desalination process of tap water in Dubai, a lot of minerals are removed. However, it doesn’t impact the overall quality and safety of the water for consumption. While many countries add fluoride to their public water system for dental health benefits, Dubai doesn’t do so. Those seeking fluoride for their dental benefits are recommended to opt for a fluoride-based toothpaste or mouthwash.
Most people are often confused as to whether they should opt for bottled water or tap water. Well, this is a very subjective matter. Therefore, we are providing you with a comparative study of both bottled water and tap water in Dubai so that you can make an educated decision on your end.
The first aspect to check is the purity level. While tap water in Dubai meets global safety standards and goes through several strict tests, bottled water is perceived to be purer.
Tap water is safe to consume but during the desalination process, the water loses many beneficial minerals. Bottled water contains essential minerals, even though they are not too different from tap water.
You have to consider the cost since one can’t ration their water consumption. Bottled water is significantly costlier than tap water which is more on the affordable side and is ideal for daily use.
Tap water in Dubai has a slight taste of chlorine in it because of the desalination process it undergoes. Bottled water, on the other hand, has a more neutral taste, which most people prefer.
Convenience is another crucial factor to consider since you would need water every single day. Bottled water is convenient for on-the-go use but it means that you have to frequently buy them. On the other end of the spectrum, tap water is readily available at home and is extremely convenient.
As responsible citizens and tourists, you can’t ignore the sustainability factor and the impact of your water consumption on the environment. Bottled water leads to immense plastic waste along with carbon emissions emerging from the production and transportation of these bottles. Tap water is extremely environmentally friendly since there is no plastic waste or energy consumption.
Whatever you choose between bottled water and tap water is completely up to you, now that you have a detailed comparison of the two. Remember that if you are opting for tap water, it is recommended to have a water filtration system in your house. Additionally, you have to ensure that the plumbing system and water storage tanks of your buildings are regularly flushed, cleaned, and maintained.
But, since tap water is more convenient, affordable, and has less environmental footprint, it is generally considered a better option than its bottled counterparts.
As we discussed above, you are free to opt for bottled water in Dubai but that is not feasible from a financial standpoint for daily use. Not to mention, it is neither convenient as you have to rely on frequent purchases and they leave immense carbon footprint and plastic wastage behind.
While tap water is pure and safe for consumption, you can’t always trust the plumbing system and water storage tanks of your homes, offices, and public spaces. When you are stepping outside or going to work, school, or college, you can carry tap water from home or purchase bottled water. But, at home, you can freely drink tap water and for additional safety, just install a water filtration system.
The water filtration system will eliminate any residual impurities or contaminants from the water and make it completely safe for consumption. There are various types of filtration systems available in Dubai for your homes and workspaces. These range from carbon filters, Ultraviolet (UV) purifiers, and Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, among others.
Additionally, there are many water delivery services in Dubai that deliver purified water straight to your homes and offices. You can even opt for a portable water filter that you can carry and use on-the-go, perfect for travelers. There are also mineral water coolers that dispense cold and room-temperature water for consumption.
Tap water in Dubai is maintained and supplied by DEWA, which follows strict protocols to ensure its safety for consumption. It is a much more affordable, convenient, and environmentally friendly option than bottled water. However, since the water storage tanks and plumbing systems of many buildings, residential or commercial are not maintained regularly, it is ideal to install a water filtration system at homes and workspaces.
The primary source of tap water in Dubai is the sea, which goes through a desalination process before being supplied to households and commercial buildings. A small portion of tap water also comes from the ground through deep wells.
Desalination is the process of removing salt from the water (which is usually derived from the sea) to make it suitable for daily use and consumption.
Yes, you can cook with tap water in Dubai. Tap water is safe for consumption in Dubai, although it is recommended to have an added water filtration system at home. While cooking, the water anyway gets boiled, making it even safer for consumption.
DEWA regulates the quality of tap water in Dubai and it adheres to international safety standards to ensure it is safe for drinking. However, since you can’t completely always control the maintenance of the plumbing system and water storage tanks of your buildings, it is recommended to run the tap water of your home through a water filtration system for an added layer of safety.
Tap water that directly comes from DEWA is safe to use. But, sometimes, contamination can arise from poorly maintained plumbing systems and water storage tanks. This is why it is often recommended to have an added water filtration system at your home.
Tap water contains elements that may damage your skin and hair over prolonged use and make your hair brittle and skin dry. You can install a water softener or shower filter to tackle this issue.
No, tap water in Dubai is not fluoridated. There is no added fluoride in the tap water.