
UAE School Holidays and Academic Dates for 2025

Arabic student in Dubai

With the start of a new year, one of the first things to do on the list for many people is to check out the holidays, and this rings true heavily for students and their parents. Whether to plan out vacations or chart out an educational map plan, finding out about the holidays helps people assert their days pragmatically.

The highly developed state of the country inspires people to move into it every year, which has resulted in a diverse settlement in the nation over the years. Thanks to the employment opportunities and advanced educational system, many people move to Dubai with their families frequently alongside other emirates such as Abu Dhabi, and Ras Al-Khaimah

Given the multicultural population of the UAE, you can find a wide variety of school systems here including Emirati, Indian, Pakistani, American, and British. While each school system has its own holiday routine, we have incorporated a generalized list that covers the primary holidays for most school systems.

Not only we are going to look at the pivotal holiday dates but also get an insight into the term start and end dates along with other important guidelines. This will essentially serve as an all-inclusive guide that will help you maneuver the school year of 2025 smoothly. Bookmark this page as it will come in handy for your future planning throughout the year.

Overview of the UAE School Holidays 2025

Being aware of the list of UAE school holidays for 2025 will help you plan out family vacations and activities while also allowing you to oversee that the education of your child is uninterrupted and seamless. Essentially, you need to know that your child gets enough holidays to rest and recharge while also not losing out on meeting basic educational requirements.

The first crucial information you need to understand is that 2025 is part of the academic calendar for 2024-2025 as well as 2025-2026. Through the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), the Government of the UAE makes it a mandatory rule for all private schools in Dubai to have a minimum of 182 school days every academic year. 

Please keep in mind that the seasonal breaks along with the start and end of terms may vary from school to school. But, for the most part, the dates that we are mentioning below will give you a fair idea of their occurrences. 

Another aspect to be kept in mind is that schools in Abu Dhabi are regulated by the Abu Dhabi Department of Knowledge (ADEK). As such, you will often find the holidays maintained in one emirate are different from the ones maintained in another emirate in the UAE.

Academic Dates

The UAE Government issues the academic calendar and all private schools in Dubai need to adhere to it. This includes not only the beginning and end of an academic year but also the summer, winter, and spring break holidays. As we mentioned above, schools also have to maintain the minimum number of school days every academic year as well, which is set at 182. 

Furthermore, private schools give a fair idea about the public holidays such as the UAE National Day and Eid, among others, to the parents of their students well in advance and confirm the exact dates once the federal government declares them. 

April-start Schools

For the academic year 2024-2025, April-start schools began their sessions on April 1, 2024, and will conclude them by March 2025. Similarly, for the academic calendar 2025-2026, April-start schools will begin their sessions on April 1, 2025, and end them by March 2026. These schools follow the guidelines of KHDA, thereby ensuring a structured academic year. 

It should be noted that the schools that start their sessions in April have the flexibility to choose their closing date at any time in March 2025 as long as they have fulfilled the criteria of meeting the 182-day requirement. Public holidays are taken into consideration as they provide additional off days for students and teachers. 

Summer break for April-start schools for the academic calendar 2024-2025 started from July 1st, 2024, and lasted till August 26th, 2024. It is likely to fall at the same time for the academic calendar 2025-2026. Winter breaks for the academic calendar 2024-2025 lasted from December 16th, 2024 to January 6th, 2025. The academic calendar 2025-2026 will likely follow the same route. 

Typically, for these schools, the first term lasts from April to June, the second term is held between August to December, and the third and final term is conducted between January and March of every year. 

September-start Schools

Schools that follow a starting day in September are relatively more aligned with international educational standard schedules. As such, they are highly popular among expatriate families. Given the fact that the UAE is a popular choice to settle with families around the world, these schools get huge enrolment. 

For the academic year 2024-2025, September-start schools began their sessions on August 26th, 2024, and must not conclude them before June 27th, 2025. In the same fashion, for the academic calendar 2025-2026, September-start schools will begin their sessions on August 26th, 2025, and end them by June 27th, 2026. 

Winter breaks for the academic calendar 2024-2025 for September-start schools began on December 16th, 2024, and ended on January 6th, 2025. The academic calendar 2025-2026 is going to follow a similar dateline. These schools also get spring break that starts on March 25th, 2025, and ends on April 7th, 2025. MoE (Ministry of Education) curriculum schools get an extended vacation during the spring break since they reopen on April 14th, 2025. 

As for the terms for September-start schools, the first term is conducted from August to December. The second term begins in January and ends in March while the third and final term takes place from April to June.

This academic calendar is built to make sure there is minimal disturbance during important religious and cultural events of the year. This ensures not only students and their parents but also teachers get to happily participate in these celebrations.

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Public Holidays

Public holidays for the UAE schools include numerous religious and cultural events celebrated throughout the year. These holidays also help give students additional time to recuperate and rest from the stress of studies and engage in family activities. As soon as the final dates of these holidays are confirmed by the federal government, schools are required to inform the parents of their students. 

For the year 2025, students will get to enjoy the following public holidays. 

New Year’s Day

The Gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar system in the world. So, naturally, the first day of the year according to it is declared a public holiday. Celebrated on January 1st, this is the time when the entire country lights up with decorations and fireworks. 

Eid Al Fitr

Eid Al Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and is thus the festival of fast-breaking. This is the first major religious festival of the year, being celebrated from March 31st to April 2nd. People express their gratitude and share food with their loved ones along with participating in various charitable activities.

Arafat Day 

The Arafat Day denotes the second day of the pilgrimage to Hajj. Celebrated roughly two months after Eid Al Fitr on May 30th, this is a pivotal Islamic holiday. Since it falls on a Friday, it allows students and teachers along with their families to embark on a long weekend of gateway and celebrate mercy and forgiveness while seeking blessings.

Eid Al Adha

Eid Al Adha is the remembrance of the sacrifice made by Abraham. Also known as Bakrid, it is tentatively going to be celebrated from June 6th to June 7th. Offering a weekend of celebrations, it allows people to partake in communal prayers and offer food to the underprivileged and less fortunate ones. 

Islamic New Year

The next major holiday in line is the Islamic New Year or the Hijri New Year which marks the beginning of the lunar year. Celebrated on June 27th, it also represents the event of the Prophet migrating from Makkah to Madinah. The entire nation gears up in celebration as numerous cultural programmes take place throughout the day. This is the perfect time to bond with your loved ones. 

Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday

September 1st marks the birthday of Prophet Mohammad, who is the founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Quran, the holy and sacred scripture of Islam. Also known as Mawlid or Eid-e-Milad an-Nabi, Muslim citizens offer their prayers to the Prophet while also gathering with their loved ones on this day. A festival to build camaraderie and strengthen community, this day teaches the values of kindness, compassion, and humility. 

UAE Commemoration Day

Celebrated on December 1st, the UAE Commemoration Day honors the lives and memories of those who have made significant contributions through their sacrifices for the protection of the country and its people at large. This day holds special reverence in the hearts of the UAE residents as national heroes are paid respect to. It installs a sense of patriotism among citizens and allows people to take a step back and be grateful to the heroes who have put themselves on the line to create a safe and secure land for everyone. 

UAE National Day

The final public holiday of 2025 is the UAE National Day, which is celebrated over two days on December 2nd and December 3rd. Beautiful parades and alluring processions are carried down the road all across the country. The enlightening festive mood charmingly covers the nation with joy and pride. The UAE national flag is hoisted on public landmarks, houses, buildings, and all across the street. It is undoubtedly the best way to wrap up the year’s celebrations.

UAE School Holidays Table

Here is a tabular representation of the public school holidays for the year 2025.

January 1WednesdayNew Year’s Day
March 31MondayEid Al Fitr
April 1TuesdayEid Al Fitr
April 2WednesdayEid Al Fitr
May 30FridayArafat Day
June 6FridayEid Al Adha
June 7SaturdayEid Al Adha
June 27FridayIslamic New Year
September 1MondayProphet Mohammed’s Birthday
December 1MondayUAE Commemoration Day
December 2TuesdayUAE National Day
December 3WednesdayUAE National Day

To Conclude

Maneuvering the UAE school holidays 2025 is crucial for students and their parents as well as teachers. With the mix of summer, spring, and winter breaks along with public holidays, the school holidays represent the necessity to take a breather from studies to keep it a stress-free experience for everyone while still fulfilling the requirements of education. 

Additionally, the holidays also provide everyone the chance to spend quality time with their loved ones and celebrate their cultures. The UAE Government ensures students and teachers get ample amounts of time for rest and recreation and are yet able to complete their syllabus and courses in due time.


Frequently Asked Questions about UAE School Holidays

What is the school calendar year in the UAE? 

April-start schools in the UAE start their sessions in April and conclude them in March of the next year, whereas September-start school begin their sessions in August and conclude them in June of the next year. 

How many terms are there in the UAE schools?

There are three terms in the UAE schools. For April-start schools, the first term is held from April to June, the second term lasts from August to December, and the third and final term is conducted between January and March of every year. 

On the other hand, for September-start schools, the first term is held from August to December. The second term starts in January and ends in March with the third and final term being held from April to June.

How long is summer break in the UAE? 

Summer breaks in the UAE are typically eight weeks long commencing from the first week of July and lasting till the final week of August.

How long is winter break in the UAE? 

Winter breaks in the UAE are generally 2.5 weeks long and are held from mid-December to early January.

How do public holidays affect school schedules in the UAE?

Public holidays extend school breaks and provide additional rest days for students and teachers. People often use the public holidays to plan vacations and activities with their loved ones. 



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